Our portfolio of products focuses on a handful of products that best reflect the cross cultural richness of the country. We import wonderful fruit chutneys, fabulous and wholesale herbal teas from the Rooibos family, trendy tropical fruit juices, contemporary versions of traditional regional curries and other local cooking sauces plus zesty Zulu influenced hot sauces. A true Rainbow Cuisine!
“South Africa has developed a national Rainbow Cuisine that is much more than the sum of its parts – it reflects the diverse origins, lifestyles and preferences of the people who live there.
South African cuisine has been influenced by visitors from foreign parts who ended up making the southern tip of Africa their home… a little black magic, a dash of Dutch heartiness, a soupçon of French finesse, a smidgen of British restraint, a touch of German richness, and a smattering of the mysterious spices of eastern lands for good measure.”